Building the muscle for difficult conversations
Pears Hub
Facilitator: Daniel Wehrenfennig
‘Disagreeing well’ is one of the most challenging – and essential – skills we need in the current climate.
Conflict and creating spaces for difficult conversations are a necessary part of many of our jobs, but it can feel frightening to engage in them at a time of heightened sensitivities and polarised public discourse.
Daniel Wehrenfennig is the Executive Director of the Center for International Experiential Learning (CIEL), an organisation that takes people into conflict regions to “build the muscle” for engaging constructively with conflict.
Back by popular demand, Daniel will facilitate this half-day workshop focusing on practical “how to” exercises and tools to build your capacity for the vital task of having difficult conversations.
The session will cover:
- Why dealing with conflicts is a core skill for leaders (and citizens!)
- Tools and day-to-day to practices on how to deal with conflicts productively
- Small group sharing and learning about best practices and “how-to” to build up our capacity
You can watch Daniel’s Ted Talk, Are you fit for conflict?, here: Daniel Wehrenfennig: Are you fit for conflict?
This is a repeat of the popular session Daniel ran for us last year. Please do not book if you came to that although we hope you enjoyed it and will encourage your colleagues to sign up.
If you would like to go further in your learning, we recommend booking the Leaning into Conflict workshop.
This session is only open for staff from Pears Foundation grantee organisations.