Supporting organisations to do what they do well

Because we invest our emotion and interest in organisations we support, we build a real relationship, a proper, deep relationship that is forged over time around issues of mutual interest.

Sir Trevor Pears CMG

Pears Foundation is a family foundation driven by a desire to demonstrate the good that philanthropy can achieve in the world. The Pears family has given more than £450m to charity since the Foundation was established.

Core funding

We give core funding – unrestricted grants or funding for essential costs such as staff posts – whenever appropriate because we trust our partners to make their own decisions about what is most needed and where the money should go.

Long-term relationships

We view our grantees as partners and we value the way our relationships evolve and deepen over time.

More than money

We offer professional development to our grantees with a particular focus on leadership and supporting the individuals who make up their teams. We also offer physical space and organisational development support.

Scout Association

Due to the partnership approach that Pears Foundation has as a funder, and the importance they place upon ‘learning’ and providing the space to try new things, the Pears Project has produced results beyond our expectations and is helping to shape our growth strategy and our processes across the whole of the UK.
Ben Powlesland, Pears Project Manager,
Scout Association

Pears Scholars

It would not be an overstatement to claim that Pears has made a significant impact on public health in Africa and the world at large. Through its support of the unique alumni network, Pears has guaranteed that public health professionals remain mutually connected, maintain contact with their academic.
Prof. Ora Paltiel, Director,
International MPH Programme

Ambitious about Autism

Pears Foundation have been true partners to Ambitious about Autism over many years, providing an excellent sounding board and being a critical friend. They have been prepared to support us at the beginning of new ventures and encouraged others to get involved too.
Jolanta Lasota, Chief Executive,
Ambitious about Autism

The Linking Network

Pears Foundation’s generous practical support has made a huge difference to the Linking Network. Their commitment in providing long term unrestricted core funding, especially at a pivotal moment, gave us the confidence and space to develop our work.
Meg Henry and Linda Cowie,

We believe that thoughtful and effective philanthropy is about creating spaces

Our philosophy is...

For us, ‘commitment’ comes first. You’ve got to decide you want to get more involved - that you’re going to make a commitment of time as well as money; a commitment to going on a journey with a project or charity. Once you do that, the learning comes. My learning, and our team’s learning, is refined on a daily and weekly basis in terms of how we operate, who we work with and what we do - it’s a continual, evolving process.
Sir Trevor Pears CMG